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Mexican Birthday Party Marathons…

Mexican Birthday Party Marathons…

 What do you do when you are invited to two Mexican birthday parties in one day? Well…gee…you can’t just miss them!  But committing to both is committing to a loooong day! And it is not just a long day for your child that is attending, but for the whole family. As per Mexican culture, an invitation to a party is for the entire family! We started at Maiya’s classmate’s party, first!  Painting...

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Angangueo, Michoacán: Gateway to the Butterflies

Angangueo, Michoacán: Gateway to the Butterflies

 From Morelia, we took off for Angangueo, a mining town located in the far Eastern part of the state of Michoacán. This was to be our resting point before going to see the Monarch butterflies the next morning. On the drive into Angangueo we saw that a circus was on its way out. We let the kids out for a brief look at the tiger, and then continued into town!  We didn’t really have any goal in Angangueo, except to...

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Open for business…

Open for business…

I have mentioned before that I love that in Mexico you have the right to earn a living –in whatever form that may be. No one is going to bother you with permits, business licenses, leases, etc. In America if you want to start a business in Kentucky, you’ll also have to pay the kentucky llc cost. If you want to feed yourself or your family, you get out there and you DO something about it! I have seen arm-less, and even...

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How to entertain teenagers in Lake Chapala, Mexico

How to entertain teenagers in Lake Chapala, Mexico

Having just done a post about how to entertain children in the Lake Chapala area, I got the question about what to do with older kids. I started making a list for them, and realized I might as well just make a new post, for future reference! So, with no further ado…. “What do I do with hard-to-please teenagers visiting Lake Chapala?!” 1. Tobolandia Water Park in Ajijic Seriously, what teenager doesn’t like...

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What are your travel plans this year?

In case you are looking for some inspiration from some traveling families, check out this great highlight of 8 families on the move by visiting the Family Trek website! We were happy to be highlighted in this post, and share with everyone our travel plans for 2012. We JUST returned home from a 4 week trek through the Yukatan Peninsula (can we say AMAAAAAZING?!), so many many posts are on their way. We checked out 12 pyramid sites, visited...

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Lasik Sugery in Mexico

Lasik Sugery in Mexico

 Why is it that children love eyeglasses?  We try to keep them out of Ethan’s grasps, but it is not always an easy task. Well, one weekend Ethan grabbed Jared’s glasses and broke them. We did the best gluing job we could (because Jared does not have contacts or any form of backup for seeing), but it was not holding.  After checking out the local Chapala.com forums (a great online resource for finding any information about living...

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