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Indian Sands Trail in Brookings, Oregon

Indian Sands Trail in Brookings, Oregon

There are so many little nooks and crannies we have yet to discover in Southern Oregon. One of our favorite day trips is to Brookings, the southernmost coastal city in Oregon. We like to go there for a quick visit to the beach, hiking, and even camping. The time we happened across a turnoff just north of Brookings labeled “Indian Sands”. As we pulled into the large circular parking area, we saw some people descending from a hiking train...

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Winchester Mystery House

Winchester Mystery House

In March we had the chance to visit the Winchester Mystery House near San Jose, California. If you’ve never heard of this place, you’re in for a treat! The Winchester House is an extravagant Victorian house built by the Winchester Rifle heir’s widow in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. She married William Hirt Winchester in 1862, and in 1866 their infant daughter died of a mysterious childhood disease. She fell into a deep...

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Visiting the California Redwoods and Oregon Beach

Visiting the California Redwoods and Oregon Beach

One reason we picked Southern Oregon to establish our home base is because it is a reasonable distance from some of the best excursions the US has to offer. Face it—if you’ve ever been to the Northwest—you’ve probably fallen in love with it. At least we have! In January we decided to make a day trip over to the coast to experience our first exploration of the redwoods near Crescent City, California. What is the weather like in...

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A Day of Learning at the Polynesian Cultural Center

A Day of Learning at the Polynesian Cultural Center

The first time we went to Hawaii in 2009 for a business trip, we were sorely disappointed by what we found. Having lived in a place like Alaska for many years prior, we had assumed that Hawaii would similarly have a bit of a “last frontier” character, boasting of family owned businesses and rich Hawaiian culture. What we found was quite the opposite. The Waikiki strip was overrun with big-name resorts and high-end stores like Coach,...

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A Love Affair with Pineapples at the Dole Plantation

A Love Affair with Pineapples at the Dole Plantation

I admit, I’ve always had a love affair with pineapple. Growing up I had never had fresh pineapple (that’s what growing up in the Midwest will do to you), but I loved my canned Dole pineapple. I would open a can of crushed pineapple and freeze it in a Tupperware. Then, each morning I would hack away at it with a fork for breakfast. Totally weird—I know. So, I was really excited when we were offered an opportunity to visit the Dole...

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Visiting the Waikiki Aquarium

Visiting the Waikiki Aquarium

We were fortunate enough to be hosted by the Waikiki Aquarium for a family visit last week! The Aquarium is located down Kalakaua Ave, next to a beautiful beach park. There is parking available on that Avenue, or the Aquarium also has limited free parking available for a time limit of 1 hour. You can see the Aquarium in 1 hour, so this is a fantastic option if you’re driving! At the entrance a photographer will take your family photo...

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