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Why I love Essential Oils

Why I love Essential Oils

Call me crazy, but I’ve always been into “natural” things. Perhaps it stems from the fact that I was the one child in my family who was born at home with a midwife. Not just any midwife, but a midwife who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and given 0% hope from the doctors. I was told as a child about this midwife, who after learning she was dying, had a dream one night where her grandmother appeared to her. Her...

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Lasik Sugery in Mexico

Lasik Sugery in Mexico

 Why is it that children love eyeglasses?  We try to keep them out of Ethan’s grasps, but it is not always an easy task. Well, one weekend Ethan grabbed Jared’s glasses and broke them. We did the best gluing job we could (because Jared does not have contacts or any form of backup for seeing), but it was not holding.  After checking out the local Chapala.com forums (a great online resource for finding any information about living...

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How important is sunshine?

How important is sunshine?

Seriously…who needs it?!  After all, living in Alaska for nearly 8 summers made me think that I could possibly live without sunshine! Tsk…shame on me. I’m perpetuating the stereotype that Alaska gets continual rain, and overcast weather. And it does it get its fair share of that. But the truth is that Alaska can also have absolutely stunning, gorgeous summer days. Some summers the sunshine can last for several months, and other...

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