Well, we’ve had one heck of a busy Fall!  Life keeps on changing at a very rapid pace, despite slowing down in our recent travels (don’t worry—we haven’t blogged about even half of our journeys, so there’s much to come!). The last few months have been filled with the craziness of the arrival of #4 in our clan:

Baby Number 4

If that wasn’t enough of a change, we also made a wild decision to buy a home in Southern Oregon (don’t worry, this doesn’t end our travels)! So, within 4 weeks of having a baby, we moved into our first real home, ever. It comes with a lot of trees and land, and a few billion Fall leaves to rake:

IMG_0873 (Custom)

Needless to say, it’s been a crazy change to our lifestyle…and so far we are loving it!

But buying a home comes with some crazy “needs” that we didn’t have before. In the past year, about half of our accommodations have provided cleaning supplies or regular housecleaning (oh, how I miss that). Now we’re faced with buying all of these odd little essentials, such as a broom, a garage broom, a hand broom, etc (who knew you needed such a variety of brooms?). And where do I even begin with the other cleaning products?

BUT…I have a dirty little secret (well, actually, it’s not that dirty): I received the coolest cleaning cloth as a Christmas present last year, and it quickly became our traveling essential! It is now my life-saver in our home.

It looks like a simple microfiber cloth, but it is so much more! My parents gave me a Norwex Enviro Cloth, which has tiny fibers that are only 1/200th of a human hair. These fibers are SO small and tightly woven that they grab dirt and germs and remove them from surfaces!  Normal “microfiber” cloths are made from fibers that are about 1/6th the size of a human hair. Problem is, these fibers are still somewhat “big”, and cloths made from these fibers tend to just push dirt and germs around. Norwex cloths are antibacterial, completely eliminating the need for cleaning sprays! They also have silver woven into the fabric, which prevents the cloths from stinking (Do you abhor stinky cleaning rags as much as I do?). This means I could pack it in my suitcase without a second thought!

After receiving my Enviro Cloth, I started doing research. My sister and Mom told me they had seen some cleaning demonstrations done with Norwex cleaning cloths. Their favorite was a demonstration where a person rubbed raw chicken rubbed all over a kitchen counter (yuck!), and then tested the level of bacteria with a test strip (of course it showed the counter was swimming in bacteria). Then, they wet a Norwex cloth with only water and wiped the counter. They swabbed the counter again with a test strip—and the test showed that it was free from bacteria. WOW!

So, perhaps now you can understand why this special cloth became my new best friend while traveling? I no longer had to fret about buying cleaning products while staying in a rental, and I always had an eco-friendly, quick resource for antibacterial cleaning that could settle my slightly OCD cleaning worries! Then during a recent community workshop, we discussed how small changes in our daily routines can lead to significant environmental impacts. For those interested in making such changes, Low Energy Supermarket provides a comprehensive list of gadgets that are both affordable and effective at conserving energy.

Basically, using this single Norwex product has eliminated almost all cleaning products in my life, as well as reassure me that I’m keeping my home surfaces cleaner than ever! They have been proven to effectively kill/clean off salmonella, e-coli, SARS, MRSA, and others not-so-cool viruses.

And now that I have more surfaces to clean, I’m drooling over getting more of these cool cloths. I decided to throw an online Norwex party, and invite everyone to join me! The party starts today and ends November 9th. You can order products online and have them shipped directly to you. Feel free to look through the products at this link and see if there’s anything that interests you:


Here is my personal wishlist:

Enviro Cloth (I want several more—so I can keep them in different areas of the house…think bathroom, kitchen, etc. I used mine this past summer to scrub off heavy grime that had built up in a bathtub without cleaning products. This is a job I wouldn’t have tackled before without a heavy duty cleaning brush and Scrubbing Bubbles!)

Travel Cloth Pack (It looks like the perfect size for traveling, plus it has various colors so I can divide up cloths as I mentioned above)

Window Cloth (This one is awesome! Just watch the video below to see a demo showing how you can clean windows with simply a wet Enviro Cloth followed up by a dry Window Cloth. It even cleans up grease, streak-free!)

Dusting Mitt (I come from a family that prefers to pretend that dusting doesn’t exist…but I’m quickly learning in my house that I can’t pretend forever!)

Mop Starter Collection (My sister has this, and I used it several times while we babysat my 4 nephews for 2 weeks when she went to Europe with her hubby. I was 8 months pregnant…but that’s another story. Anyhow, it is the best mop design I have ever seen, with removable microfiber heads that you can easily rinse in the sink without carting around a big bucket!)

Silver Care Toothbrush (I never would have guessed a toothbrush would be on my list. However, I’ve heard great stories about dentists being amazed by their client’s teeth at a cleaning…and then learning they are using these toothbrushes that contain silver!)

Makeup Removal Package I don’t wear much makeup. In fact, I only use eyeliner and mascara from my favorite mascara company—and I remove them with a little bit of coconut oil and a washcloth. I always feel like I’m rubbing my eyes too hard, and I worry that this is leading to premature wrinkles around my eyes. However, I borrowed my sister’s makeup removal cloth when I visited, and I was very surprised to see that I no longer required oil or remover. All I did was wet the soft cloth with warm water and easily wiped my makeup off without rubbing!

Cleaning Paste (This stuff apparently is the miracle worker for the really tough hard water spots that sometimes won’t budge, even with an Enviro Cloth. My sister loves it!)

Here is a video explaining some of the most popular products with some demos:

There are a ton of other really cool products, but I’m starting with the basics that I’ve been thinking about for months. I’m the type that thinks about a purchase for a long time, and if I’m still wishing I had it months later, I know it’s right for me!

If you’re really excited about the products and your wish list is getting quite long, like mine, you can consider hosting your own Norwex Party to get lots of Norwex for free. (An average party earns you over $200 worth of products!)

Please leave a comment or contact my Norwex Consultant if you have any questions about the products. Her name is Sarah Scoresby (801) 735-6823. If you’d like to see more products and/or place an order, click here:


You can also browse the (more) informative catalog and then do a search for the items on the above website. Catalog is here:


If you like earning free stuff AND getting paid, you can talk to Sarah about becoming a consultant to help others change their lives and homes.

Oh, and enough of the sales pitch…be expecting a blog post this week, with some amaaaazing photos of Bali that I can’t wait to share!

6 Responses to “Cleaning on the Go”

  1. Wow I’m always finding out about cool products from you! I’ll check it out.

    • I think you’d love it! I come from a family of tough-sells (they’re not easily convinced about something that sounds too-good-to-be-true), so when they started raving about Norwex, I knew I’d need to try some more of their products!

  2. Congrats on the new arrival!!

  3. Firstly, he is absolutely adorable!
    Secondly, I am so excited about this post! I’m with you on the OCD-ness and these products would be heaven-sent for traveling! Thanks so much for sharing!

    • You bet! They don’t ship internationally, but I can help find a way to mail them to you in MX if you don’t have a US delivery method you already use!! 🙂
      And thanks! I think he is adorable, too! (Just like all of your beautiful kiddos!)

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