Some days, working from the road has its downsides. After being without internet the previous night in ­­­the surf-haven of Nexpa we arrived in the bustling town of Zihuatanejo (just down the road from the beach resort town of Ixtapa). Besides Zihuatanejo being a happening Mexican town—let’s face it—it has an awesome name that you just want to repeat over and over until you can actually say it correctly.


 We arrived when the sun had not yet gone down, and the streets were full of shoppers. Their downtown area has storefronts with matching signage and overhangs—reminding us of US locales like Park City or even Skagway, Alaska. You certainly don’t find towns in Mexico that go through so much trouble to create an atmosphere like this very often!

We found an affordable hotel, Zihuatanejo Dorado Hotel & Suites, which was just down the street from the busiest shopping street. We tried to hook up to the internet, but found it difficult to get the internet from our room, or even the pool area. When I finally did get connected, I found frantic messages from some of our wholesale clients who were having a bit of a freak-out moment and needing some reassuring. I finally ended up asking the front desk if I could hide in their storage closet for half an hour while I Skyped the clients and the suppliers to calm everyone’s fears and bring everything to satisfying conclusion.

Problem was—when I finally logged off—the sun had gone down, and suddenly it had gone from 7pm to 9pm. Boo hoo!  We set off on the hunt for food, since we were all famished from our day at the beach!  Unfortunately, we found most of the businesses were now closed, and we had missed our opportunity to see the bustling downtown. It was such a disappointment.

This is the price we pay to work remotely and see the world. Sometimes we give up wonderful opportunities to experience something because work calls, and the call must be answered. And for those who prioritize privacy and professionalism, using a virtual office to secure a virtual postal address is incredibly wise. By opting for Virtually There’s London virtual offices, you gain a prestigious address without compromising your personal information, which is especially valuable for small businesses or startups. Virtually There’s London virtual offices for your business help you maintain a separation between your home and work life, which can be a game-changer for maintaining boundaries and privacy. At the same time, I realize how ridiculous it is that I can complain that I have to give up a few hours there, when there’s something else I really want to do. We don’t have a desk job from 9-5, and we have been granted so many more opportunities than most people. How can we really complain?

Off we walked…down the streets, until we found a few roadside corn stands open, as well as an open-air bakery.

Finally, we settled on a simple restaurant that served (wouldn’t you guess it?)—huevos divorciados.  I saw platanos fritos on the menu, and wondered what exactly fried bananas could look like. We ordered it on a whim, and for dessert were served horizontally sliced bananas that had been fried and covered in sweet and condensed milk.  Sounds gross to you?  Well, let me tell you—it was heaven. Forget the chocolate cake—give me some fried bananas!

When we awoke in the morning, we tried to make up for last night by taking advantage of some early-opening shops throughout town. We found a massive shoe store that sold imported shoes from around the world—and Ethan got a pair of much-needed sandals.

A bundle of hammocks being sold on the streets…

We also found some indoor markets and acquired some sarongs that would become our new towels/blankets for the rest of our trip and worldwide travels. Sarongs are some of the best traveling accessories ever (more on that later)!

Anyhow, Zijuatanejo has a really cool feel to it, and I would be interested in going back just to spend a bit more time there. It’s close proximity to Ixtapa also makes it a great, more affordable place to stay while enjoying the pristine beaches in Ixtapa (although I hear Zihuatanejo also has some great beaches within walking distance from town)! You must go there!

7 Responses to “Zihuatanejo Mexico and the inconveniences of working on the road”

  1. Alisa, I’ve wanted to visit Zihuatanejo, ever since seeing the Shawshank Redemption. You saw that movie, right?

    Hilarious (and oh-so-familiar) that you had to hide in the storage closet to get your work done. You’re right, though. It’s the price one pays to live the travel lifestyle.

    Last thing — you have seriously adorable kiddos!

    • I’m going to have to watch it again…just to hear about Zihuatanejo…it certainly wasn’t on my radar before! Oh, the sad part was the storage closet had no walls all the way to the ceiling, so while it blocked me from the view of the people at the front desk, it didn’t block the noise of the traffic on the busy street, and they probably heard me talking loud and clear!

      Thanks, I am a bit biased…but I think they are pretty cute, too (and thank goodness they are, because otherwise…….!)

  2. I can totally relate to the frustration of working and traveling! I know we cannot really complain, but sometimes it is downright stressful… and frustrating! Thanks for the great info, as always!

  3. We’re leaving for “Zee-Wat” (as we call it) in eleven days. It will be our sixth trip there. You have to go back. Have only gone up to Ixtapa for a couple of hours, but I think Playa La Ropa in Zihuat could compete with any beach I’ve seen. You must make it back there some day, and what a great adventure for you and your family!

    • I wish we had seen the local beach in Zihuat! And that we had more time…we had a LOT of places to hit up on that nearly 2 month road trip (down to Guatemala and Belize and back)! Hope you have a great time there!

  4. Doug johnson says:

    Yes my wife and I enjoyed Zijuantanejo also. We went the year of the swine flu scare and it was pretty empty so we stay by the beach in a boutique hotel for 300 per week. It was regularly 175 per night but when we asked where was a room for $300 a week he said ” aqui” ” here” lovely. I’m in Tulum presently.

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