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Beach Time at Boca de Iguanas

Beach Time at Boca de Iguanas

In late January, we had another set of visitors–Jared’s parents! With them came Christmas…quite literally 🙂 We were spoiled with gifts from family state-side… We gave them one of those flutes made by that artist we met at the Pyramid of the Sun near Mexico City. We also had a new camera delivery they brought with them…because our old one was failing at times. We purchased an Olympus PEN E-PL1 It is a...

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Jocotepec Festival and Friends

Jocotepec Festival and Friends

Shortly after arriving home from our month long road trip through the Yucatan Peninsula, we had some visitors at our home in Ajijic/Chapala. Our friend, Jeffrey, and her beautiful daughter Rosetta, visited us from Buscerias, where they were spending a few months this winter. Jeffrey is co-owner to the most delicious Thai food restaurant in Skagway, Alaska (our former home)!  Her daughter is the same age as our Maiya, so they had a great...

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The cost of a Yucatan Road Trip

The cost of a Yucatan Road Trip

Some of you are asking…how does this all add up?  What does it take to pack up your van and drive across the Yucatan for one month? Here are the numbers we came up with… 41 tolls 4,000 miles driven 13 Mexican states ~2 meals eating-out each day 22 hotel nights (3 nights in an all-inclusive resort) 2 nights camping & 2 nights at a friend’s home 12 pyramids with entrance fees 1 new Mexican computer 1 cenote 1 laguna 4...

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Pyramid of the Sun

Pyramid of the Sun

We left Veracruz early in the morning, and in a neighboring village stopped at a little road-side eatery to get some eggs and beans to go. They’re always served with corn tortillas, and they’re one of the few reliable meals we can order wherever we go! This woman ran down the street to buy the eggs, and delivered our take-out meal to our car window. Kind of like a drive-through… Couldn’t help but snap a photo of...

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A Very Modern Veracruz Mexico

A Very Modern Veracruz Mexico

Upon entering Veracruz, I had very different expectations from what we actually discovered. First off, let it be said that Veracruz is the entry point of Cortes, when he began his seige/attack on Mexico. By 1521, he had crushed the Aztec Empire. He did sooo many bad things, but I will not get into that here. Basically, Veracruz was the world’s gateway into Mexico for the next 400 years. Invaders, pirates, slaves, silver,...

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Chinese Food in Mexico

Chinese Food in Mexico

Sounds silly, doesn’t it?  I mean…who wouldn’t want to eat Mexican food in Mexico? Before you judge me, please keep in mind that Mexican food in the United States is NOT like Mexican food in Mexico. Which is fine and dandy in its own way…but after eating out 2 meals a day for a month, an individual can get really sick of Mexican food. In fact, even a family like ours can get sick of Mexican...

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