We had a great time in the Puerto Vallarta area with friends over the weekend.

We spent a couple of nights at our friend’s home in Bucerias. The wife is American and her husband is Mexican. We met them by chance in Guadalajara last Spring and have stayed in touch. They were so wonderful to invite us into their home!

We crammed a lot in a little bit of time! First we spent a day at the beach in Bucerias!

Some Skagway, Alaska gals

Being transformed into a mermaid
The greatest part about burying kids in sand? It keeps them put for a few minutes!
Protecting myself from the intense Mexican sun!

As we all basked in the sun and let the kids play, some unsuspecting (probably European) tourists came walking by. The banana-yellow swimsuit had us a bit shell-shocked, but what really got us was her husband’s swimsuit. Can you see that?

In case you didn’t get a good look…here’s another view…

Oh my!

The next highlight of the trip (besides wonderful friends to visit with) was taking a Segway tour in Bucerias. Our host and her hubby own Segway Tours Vallarta, which gives Segway tours in Puerto Vallarta and Bucerias.

I don’t know what I expected the Segways to be like…but I was surprised. Have you ever been on a Segway? They were AWESOME!!!  I don’t know…I’ve always thought they were maybe a little bit goofy looking, and maybe even grandma-ish. But they certainly don’t feel grandma-ish when you are on them!!  We were moving along at a pretty good clip, going up and down some almost-terrifying hills, and Liesel said that sometimes they even take them out on the beach!

When you stand on them, the slightest bit of movement (shifting of weight) in your feet sends the Segway forward, backward, or puts it at a stop. It is a small learning curve, and after doing some practice runs down some sidewalks, we took off on some awesome paths throughout town and through the markets.

I loved the Segway tour!  And the great thing is that it is suitable for any age. You can take it at your own speed and you are completely in control. Jared loved to show me how he could put all his weight forward, and he still couldn’t fall off!  They’re surprisingly stable! If you’re looking for an awesome tour in Puerto Vallarta or Bucerias, you MUST check this out! Take a look at their Trip Advisor Reviews….people love them!

After being forced to get off the Segways, we made a drive to the beaches of Sayulita, a funky little surfer town 45 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta.

Nicholle, Liesel (our host!), and me…


Sayulita’s little craft market…

We peaked over the wall at a big family birthday party going on. The host near the front saw us and invited us in…a la Mexican style!  We declined 🙂

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Mayan artwork (assuming that’s what this is) looks like Northwest Native art?

We also fit in an early Zumba class the morning we left, which was a blast! It was after this class that I discovered I had a hernia that would require medical attention and surgery while living in Mexico. More on that later…

Further proof that our kids love to travel…

And we started the 5+ hour road trip back to Lake Chapala.

Not so uncommon military trucks packed with troops…

When we made the drive from Puerto Vallarta to Ajijic 3 years ago, I remember being seriously carsick with all of the highway switchbacks. It was NOT fun. Sadly, Ella and Maiya both share my motion sickness issues.

Fortunately, we’ve discovered that essential oils amazingly solve our motion-sickness problems!  If Ella ever feels a little woozy, I pass back a bottle of peppermint oil for her to sniff, and maybe I’ll even put it on her feet. Problem solved!

I sell essential oils on the side not because I want to make a ton of money (okay, I’m not opposed to that)….

but the truth is I sell them because we use them, and we love them! We can’t go without them while traveling!

6 Responses to “Bucerias, Sayulita, and some Segway Fun”

  1. How did you like Sayulita? Is it a nice beach? town or is it overly pricey and touristy. We’ve heard good things about it from Colorado friends but it’s always hard to tell.

    • Love Sayulita! 3 years ago we stayed there overnight at a more long-term-hotel-type-place with a kitchen and lots of foreigners hanging out. It is pricier that inland…but almost all beach areas are! The beaches are often quite crowded, and the real estate there looked OUTRAGEOUSLY priced! A great place to go visit…but if you’re on a budget I wouldn’t stay there toooooo long! It is a total hippie/surfer place…and I love that style!

  2. The 3rd picture down, of you half buried in the sand, at first glance I thought, “How did she get a photo of Lea?” The segways look like a lot of fun! And P.S. Your friend’s swimsuit is…hmmmm…interesting.

    • Haha…yeah…I do that often with Lea’s photos, too 🙂 You should SOOO segway sometime–you would like it!
      That swimsuit was a hoot. I was slightly embarrassed that we were all gawking…but I suppose that’s why someone wears a suit like that, right? To get looks?

  3. Did you go to Zumba in Sayulita or Bucerias? Do you have an address or contact number for the Zumba class?
    Looks like you and your family had a great time!!

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