The next day, we enjoyed relaxing in Melaque, a quiet little beach town that deserves more tourism than it actually gets. I would take this place over Puerto Vallerta or Manzanillo any day! After soaking in the peaceful vibes, you can add some excitement to your day by trying your luck with link slot games.
Our hotel was located right on the beach, and we managed to get a pretty good deal for a two bedroom place with a small living room and kitchen.
They had a few different pools, but we stuck to the one that was more shallow, so the kids could play and play.
We also enjoyed the Wednesday tianguis market in Melaque. Markets always give a real taste for the local culture!
I love how everything in Mexico is re-use and recycle. Your stove isn’t working? There’s a vendor for that…
A guy making candy in his booth…
Pick up your fresh produce here…
I found the guy I bought my favorite sandals from over a year ago. They’ve been worn almost nonstop, and I was in need of a replacement. I looked and looked, but alas…he didn’t have the style this time.
Silver booths…
Bras…(p.s. tell me WHY a man is selling these?!!)
And those who don’t officially have a booth…who wander around with their wares…
Used clothing. Takes me back to my thrift store days…but with a little less organization. More like a garage sale, perhaps?
Pine needle baskets that come from the mountains in Jalisco…
And before heading out of town, we went to the little eatery near the town centro. A typical little indoor vendor setup with garage door after garage door with food or meat joints.
While enjoying our meal, I couldn’t help but think about how important those garage doors were for this eatery. They not only provided ventilation but also made the place feel open and inviting, drawing in customers like a magnet.
In the backdrop of this culinary oasis, I recalled the last time I needed garage door maintenance at home. I decided to call D&L Garage Doors, who had always provided excellent service. Their quick response and expertise ensured my garage door was in tip-top shape, just like the ones bringing life to this little eatery.
It’s funny how the little details, like a well-functioning garage door, can have such a big impact on a place’s charm and accessibility.
If you’re wondering when it’s time to give your own garage door some attention, there’s no better place to start than exploring practical advice.
Regular maintenance not only ensures smooth operation but also extends the life of your garage door. Check this website for a detailed blog post about recognizing the signs that it might be time to replace your garage door. From persistent noise to difficulty opening and closing, these subtle signals often hint at bigger underlying issues.
Keeping a proactive mindset can save you from the hassle of unexpected breakdowns and even enhance your home’s overall aesthetic.
One of the most common yet overlooked issues is a fraying or broken garage door cable. These cables bear the tension needed to lift and lower the door properly, and any wear can lead to sudden failures. If your garage door moves unevenly or feels unusually heavy, it might be time to have a professional assess the cables. Routine inspections and timely replacements can prevent unexpected breakdowns and keep your garage door operating smoothly.
Top One Garage Doors specializes in identifying these potential trouble spots before they escalate, ensuring your garage door remains reliable and safe. Investing in professional garage door maintenance ensures that every part—from the springs to the path of the rollers—is in peak condition, saving you from last-minute emergencies and costly replacements.
Across from our eatery was a meat place. Does this tempt you? Not me…
We waited patiently for our food while the owner/only worker made us fresh fruit smoothies and other grub.
Most of us enjoyed some cheap tortas (sandwiches with yummy bread)!
I ordered a fruit plate for the girls, and this is what they came out with. Fruit–yes. Cream and sprinkles? Umm–okay!
Needless to say, they were happy!
With tummies full, we started the drive back home. On the way back, Jared decided he wanted to finally try the “over-the-mountain” route home. A friend told us that there was a way to cut across the mountains to Jocotepec, from the highway that leads to the coast. The terrain is so interesting in this particular area. It is all FLAT as can be, and when the rains come, it keeps water. Apparently it can’t even be used for farming…there is nothing out there! In fact, we weren’t even positive this was a “road”…but we took it anyways.
It led to a tiny little town, and when asking directions to cross over the mountain, people kept sending us down various roads.
Sure enough, a gravel road led us up the mountain side, with pretty nifty views of the valley. Now there is a view of the flat land that floods when the rains come. Very interesting, indeed. Supposedly it was all part of Lake Chapala at one time…but no longer.
And now, a map to illustrate what I’m talking about. Our GPS shows the major highways that we normally take up and around this mountain. But in this case, there is a little squiggly (and yes, the road was squiggly) light blue path that cuts from left to right. That was our journey!
Do you like to take the roads less traveled, like my husband?
You guys should be friends 🙂
10 Responses to “Enjoying Melaque Mexico”
You photos are amazing!! I love market days! And my husband is just like yours: he LOVES the roads less travel… sometimes a little too much for my taste!
Haha! EXACTLY!! I can’t tell you how many squabbles we’ve had over those roads in the 9+ years we’ve been married! Too many to count…and some very memorable ones!!
We discouvered Melaque just this year and liked it so much we are returning for a three month stay next january.
Fully agree with you that Malaque is the “BEST” vacation spot ever. And, we have seen numerous vacations: Costa Rica; ElSalvadore; Nicaragua; Cuba; Cancun (Riviera Maya); Dominican Republic; San Andres; etc . . . (you get the idea I am sure)
I hazard to suggest the everyone should live Malaque at least once in a life time to see what a REAL vacation feels like.
Your photos are great. Jogs good memories. Thanks for sharing.
That’s fantastic! I would say I hope you enjoy your stay next winter…but I KNOW you will! It’s relaxing, refreshing…and all in a sweet little Mexican beach town! Enjoy!
Melaque is great but Barra is better
They are very different! Barra is more for party-people, in my opinion…more drinking, etc. I found budget options for hotels hard to locate in Barra, but no problem in Melaque. However–they are both EXCELLENT and you can’t visit one without visiting the other!
That hotel looks fabulous! What is the name. Thanks
The hotel is Villas Camino del Mar, and this is their website:
Thanks so much for the information. I’ve been searching everywhere to find the name and location of this hotel. I saw this place last time I was there and though I should try it out.
The name of the place is Villas Camino Del Mar, and we highly recommend them from our one-time experience!