In numerous Mexican households, the presence of a dryer machine for laundry is often seen as a luxury, while simply owning a washing machine is deemed fortunate. Yet, for those enjoying a higher standard of living, the inclusion of modern conveniences such as a Bosch washing machine stands as a clear symbol of their comfort and convenience. It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the washing machine symbols explained bosch to make the most of its advanced features and functionalities.
In homes where owning even a basic washing machine is considered fortunate, the availability of laundry services can be a game-changer. Clean4You Perth Cleaners excel in providing efficient and dependable laundry solutions that cater to various household needs. They offer a diverse range of services, including regular washing, delicate fabric care, and bulk laundry handling, tailored to accommodate different preferences and schedules.
Similarly, Kleanway laundry LLC stands out as another exemplary service provider in the realm of laundry care. Their commitment to efficiency and reliability ensures that households receive top-notch service tailored to their unique needs. Whether it’s the convenience of drop-off services or the thoroughness of professional fabric care, they meets the diverse demands of their clientele. Laundry services can bring a new level of comfort and convenience to households, making daily life a little easier and more manageable.
Opting for laundry services not only saves valuable time but also increases convenience, enabling individuals to prioritize other aspects of their lives while ensuring their clothing receives thorough cleaning and meticulous care.
But I’ve met many affluent Mexicans who prefer their clothes to be line-dried. They last longer (all of your lint isn’t being sucked out of your clothes in the dryer), it uses less energy…and well…I don’t know why else they prefer it.
Yes, your clothes ARE stiffer. Yes, it is more work to hang it out to dry and pull them down.
However, it IS much cheaper (because dryers here use a combination of both electricity and propane gas!).
For some people who prefer that someone else does their dirty work for them…there are always LAVANDERIAS.
Laundromats! Unlike the US, you cannot walk into most Mexican laundromats and expect to be able to put your own clothes in a washer and dryer, while you hang out all day reading a book.
Instead, when you arrive at a lavanderia, they immediately weigh your clothes and charge you a fee per kilo. For anywhere from $10-$15 pesos per kilo (2.2 pounds) someone else will wash, dry, and fold your clothes. It’s particularly convenient while traveling…you drop off your clothes, and pick them up later that night, or the next day!
As I’ve mentioned, we cloth diaper our baby while traveling through Mexico. We prefer to keep the soiled diapers in a trash bag in the back of the van (double-layered). We’ve used wet bags before, that are supposed to hold in the stink and the moisture…but in a small space like a vehicle, plastic admittedly does better! Next, we deliver those stinky babies to the lavanderia weighing station. Diapers weigh more than most clothes, because they are not exactly dry! I always instruct them to wash them twice, and go ahead and dry the load. Stinky diapers+lavanderia=clean, cheap diapers!
Their detergents smell wonderful…it is always (literally) a breath of fresh air to open up one of these laundry packages!
2 Responses to “Laundry in Mexico”
Hmm. Dropping off laundry two doors down yesterday, my dads gf and i were joking about the “NO FECES” on the rules sign. We were laughing cause were thinking Montezuma, not Baby. Now i get it.
I love your posts but i thought this was er… a bit um… unfair to the lavenderia…
Ha! I have never seen that sign!!! 🙂 Poor lavenderia….although we do “swish” the diapers in the toilet to knock off soils in advance. I don’t want to be hauling around poop in a bag, either! 😉 I know…TMI…