Ella has some seriously brilliant ideas at the store. For example, she decided this belt tied around them would be a perfect way to make sure they “don’t get lost!”

Keeping the girls entertained at the store on Saturdays can be very difficult. Sure, I usually have a 3 feet distance rule from the TV, but when they’re happy…I try not to interrupt…

We’ve been kid-swapping with some friends from the ward on Friday nights. Air popped popcorn in my 80’s popcorn popper (and you think I’m kidding?) is a must on these nights.
Oh, the joy of friends! We will miss them when they move, and we do, too!
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2 Responses to “Girls will be girls!”

  1. Fun pictures! I love Ella's belt idea too – what a cutie!

  2. Sisters are the best! But I think you already know that cuz you have great sisters yourself!

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